A first aid kit for a cat contains many of the same items it would for a human.
- A roll of absorbent cotton and some cotton balls,
- gauze pads and tape,
- a pair of small scissors with rounded tips,
- tweezers,
- instant ice pack,
- hydrogen peroxide,
- a bulb syringe for suctioning mucous from mouth or nose
- sterile eyewash solution for cats,
- a clean, white cotton sock (to cover wounded paws),
- small flashlight,
- rectal thermometer,
- injection syringe without the needle (to give liquid medication),
- unflavored electrolyte liquid (like Pedialyte).
Cat are great explorers and care must br taken with potential hazards in and around the home. particularly with young kittens. watch out for hot surfaces and liquids in the kitchen, unguarded fires, electric cables, sewing pins and needles (especially with cotton attached) and open windows on upper stories.
In the garden make sure the dustbins are secure as cats may scavenge and eat decayed food or cut themselves on tins or glass. Being inquisitive, cats accidentally get shut in a shed or garage.
If your cat is injured, approach her calmly and carefully. Don't assume that she won't scratch or bite you - injured pets often react negatively at first to any attempt to touch them. Once you get close enough, place a towel over her head to "blind" her. The darkness created by the towel has a calming effect. You can also tightly wrap the towel around her body to keep her from struggling.
If your cat is bleeding heavily, it is important to slow or stop the flow as soon as possible. Use a clean towel or cloth to apply pressure directly to the wound. Change towels/cloths as needed, but keep pressure on until you reach a veterinarian. If necessary, you can apply thick gauze pads and use tape to secure them while you transport your cat. It is best, however, to keep pressure on the wound and have some one else drive.
If your cat seems to be choking, use a flashlight to see what she is choking on. If you can easily remove it, do so. If not, you will might need to perform a modified Heimlich maneuver.
Here's what you need to do:
- Place the pet on its side on a hard surface.
- Place both hands behind the last rib and press down quickly and firmly - release immediately and repeat rapidly several times.
- Try to direct the force of your hands slightly forward - this will make your efforts more effective.
- Have someone carefully open the dog's or cat's mouth wide and attempt to retrieve the material from the throat as you compress the chest.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
NS Kennedy
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