Just like dogs, though not as many, cats also have numerous breeds, but the popular ones are Siamese and Persian. If you plan to get one for a pet, there are factors you have to consider, and among these is the cost.
Just like owning any other pet, it will cost some money to own a cat. Of course, you will need to buy food, medicines, clinic visits, and also a litter. The basic essentials you should have are: food plate, water plate, and a litter box. Additionally, cats love to play so buying toys would be recommended. Other paraphernalia you will need: cat collar, bed, carrier, and scratching post.
Feeding Your Cat
The kind of food and frequency of feeding vary with age. When a cat is still very young- a kitten- he will need to be fed several times a day; as he grows older, you can feed him twice daily, or even with one big meal. To be more specific, before he reaches 12 weeks, you will have to feed him at least 4x daily; when he reaches 3-6 months, feeding is lowered down to thrice daily.
Dos and Don’ts
1. Never feed him food that has been left out for more than half an hour.
2. Canned food can be given, but these can be expensive. For some reason, cats love canned meals but these do not really have any advantage to dental health in the way that dry meals do. So you might want to consider giving him dry food too.
3. When giving dry food, see to it that your cat gets sufficient water intake on a day to day basis.
4. When buying dry food, make sure that you look at the nutritional value it offers and not buy it because it is cheap. Usually, generic food does not contain enough nutrients that your cat needs.
5. Kittens should only be given kitten food, and do not feed yours with adult cat food.
6. Do not keep on giving your cat milk. They love milk but it causes diarrhea.
7. Do make sure to wash his plate everyday.
8. When giving treats, keep it to a minimum as this will make your cat fat.
9. You can feed your cat human food occasionally but still mix it with his regular food.
10. Brush their coat once daily to avoid hairballs, and at the same time, it helps keep their coat shiny and clean.
11. Clean their litter box at least once a week because cats hate it when their litter box is dirty.
12. Take regular visits to his vet, and make sure required shots are given.
Well, if you may have noticed, owning a cat is not always that easy as they require maintenance and care. But cats are wonderful, loving creatures who will keep you company for many, many years. In the end

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Jay SandersVisit Feline-Leukemia.Net for more information on Feline Leukemia virus.
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