Needless to say, it will certainly be a big problem if your dog ever gets poisoned. Owners should do everything in their power to keep this from happening. Here are a few tips to this end.
If you have medications that you are taking to battle some health condition, then make sure that you keep them stored away properly. You never want your dog to consume any human medications whether they be prescription or over-the-counter drugs since both types can be deadly. Never give your dog any type of medication unless your veterinarian explicitly directs you to do so.
Evening standard cold medicine, vitamins, or diet pills can be toxic to dogs. A painkiller such as ibuprofen can be deadly or lead to the development of stomach ulcers.
It is also vital that dog owners keep household cleaners stored away properly. If consumed in large amounts, they will obviously cause problems. Even licking the residue can cause mild stomach upset or burning of the tongue. Never allow your dog to access areas of the house in which you have just used any type of cleaning agent.
Many homeowners use baits to trap or kill creatures such as ants, roaches, or rodents. Many types of baits containing ingredients that smell sweet to your dog, and they will end up poisoning him if he eats them. Make sure that you only use baits in areas that your dog can't get to.
Always be aware of the type of plants that you have in your home and in your yard. Dogs can be harmed by ingesting certain types of plants that are toxic to them. Some of the plants that are poisonous to pets include Oleander, Azalea, and mistletoe.
When using fertilizers, insecticides, or herbicides in your lawn or garden, you need to be very careful. Your dog should never be around these areas until these harmful chemicals have completely dried. Also, you should store these chemicals in a safe place so your dog can't get access to them.
Substances that are used in vehicles should also be stored away safely including oil, gasoline, and antifreeze. Antifreeze is particularly deadly and it only takes a small amount to kill a small cat or medium-sized dog. Ensure that you never spill any when filling your car up.
You should also be aware that human foods can be poisonous to your pet too. Never leave chocolates anywhere that your dog can get them. Other harmful foods include grapes, macadamia nuts

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