Cats are wonderful pets, if you understand how to take care of them. If you wish to keep a cat as a pet, it is imperative that you know how to properly care for this feline friend. This article is going to provide you with smart advice about caring for your cat.
Check out the shelter when adopting a cat. Sometimes, you may find the cat of your dreams at a shelter. When you adopt a cat from a shelter, you save a life and help keep the cat population under control.
Taking your cat in for regular check-ups at the veterinarian's office is part of being a responsible pet owner. Cats need vaccinations to keep them healthy, and your vet can keep an eye out for any other health issues. Try to keep the same vet during the life of your pet. This ensures that your vet will have an excellent understanding of your pet's medical history.
Small places are spots cats love to get into. If they have a collar on, this might prove to be a safety risk if they happen to get stuck. A collar that will breakaway is the best idea for safety. This kind of collar can turn a potentially-dangerous situation into a merely exasperating one.
Put a heated tile beneath the bed of an older cat. Simply heat a terra-cotta tile in a 200 degree oven for 20 minutes. Put it inside a cloth and place underneath your feline's blanket or bed. Change it frequently if you like.
Regular visits to the vet will make sure that you cat is as healthy as he can be. Your cat should always go to the vet for a check up, especially if they need shots. If a condition, illness, or injury happens, your cat should be taken to the vet immediately.
Make sure your cat has a collar if it goes outside. This can help if your cat becomes lost while wandering in the great outdoors. You have to be sure you have your pet's name and number written on the tag.
Do not allow your cat to get an electrical shock. Spray them with bitter apple, and they will stay away. Most office stores sell a tube that you can stick all of your wires and cords through if the spray doesn't work. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. Put away electronics that have tempting, thin cords when you're not using them.
Your furnishings and belongings can easily be ruined by a cat's claws. Purchase a scratching post to stop your cat from destroying your home. Encourage them to scratch that instead. It doesn't happen overnight but with some patience, you should be able to save your house from the claws.
Give your cat lots of attention and love. Cats give us a lot of love, and they deserve to be loved back. Cats need a social life with people just like you do with other people. Your cat wants to be as much a member of the family as anyone else.
You should try your hardest to figure out the reason that you are hearing your cat meow. If you have spent any significant amount of time around your cat, you will quickly find you can figure out what he wants when he cries. The meows may indicate hunger, happiness, or a desire to go exploring. You'll learn her cues quickly.
You cannot keep a cat as a pet if you are not prepared to properly care for it. If you own a cat, feel free to read this piece over so you can absorb these great tips. If you care for your cat properly, you are giving your cat the gift of a long

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